
Idealism and realism

We all want happiness, love, joy, success, flow, and abundance…right? The world of Idealism.

In some areas of our life, we experience realism; we want a better relationship, to improve our career, to upgrade our house… searching for more idealism.

However, when your internal and external worlds align in your life and career, there is no idealism or realism anymore…. When those two merge, there is only ‘’what is’’, ‘’being’’, ‘’the present moment’’, whatever term you give to it…. 

There is no desire to achieve, there is no gap, there is no frustration, unhappiness, or stress. Your internal self and external self are aligned. 

So, how do you get there?

Very simple. 


Your purpose in life is different from mine, your values are different, your life experiences are different even though they are still all the same. (Topic for another post)

To discover the differences and uniqueness, you have to be self-aware. Understand who you are. Like Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

I hope that as you browse through the blog, you’ll gain perspective and awareness. Perspective for the mind to look beyond its thinking. To create new insight, new awareness about you and your journey. To create a space where awareness emerges. This new awareness can then be used to bridge the gap between your internal and external self so that you can find mental, emotional, career, and spiritual balance.

The first step is all about awareness. Then, bring that awareness to reality.

After that, utilize coaching, tools, techniques, and strategies to achieve the results you want and bridge the gap between your reality and ideal life.

Feel like you lack mental, emotional, or spiritual balance?  Take this 2-minute questionnaire designed by Prof. Dr. Mike Thomson from CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) that will help you identify the Gap between your internal and external worlds. Take your free check-up here now.

Raf Adams - Realism vs Reality

Raf Adams

”I write thought pieces and provide perspective on life and leadership to help leaders bridge the gap between their internal and external self to achieve mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. By doing so be more effective and make a positive difference for themselves, their teams, the company, and society. To buy a copy of The Suited Monk or provide it as a gift for a friend or colleague click here.

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