
How Practical Philosophy Can Improve Your Business Decisions

How Practical Philosophy Can Improve Your Business Decisions? Practical philosophy is the application of philosophical principles and practices to everyday life. For many people, practical philosophy is a way to find meaning, purpose, and happiness in their lives. It can also be an effective tool for making better business decisions. In the world of business,…

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How To Make Suit Monk Decisions?

How To Make Suit Monk Decisions? Business. Social Media. Finance. Health, and even relationships. Everything always goes through the mind.  Some go through the heart first for a few weeks or months, but then it becomes a mind game. Imagine you start a business based around your purpose. You love what you do from the…

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Suit and Monk Hacks for Maximising Leadership Potential

Suit and Monk Hacks for Maximising Leadership Potential Hacking. The ability to take shortcuts to maximise your potential. Daily cold showers are a hack to stimulate blood flow and improve health.  Using meditation headsets before sleeping improves sleep quality and waking up refreshed. Getting a subscription to book summary services, so you don’t have to…

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The Leaders
How To Awaken The Leaders Inner Monk

How To Awaken The Leaders Inner Monk Marketing. Sales. Emails. Messaging. Responding to calls. The Suit world is very demanding. The Suit world is never finished, there is always more you can do in a day or more to achieve. You can always write more emails, call more people, and respond to more messages. One…

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Awakening vs Enlightenment and its impact on Leadership

Awakening vs Enlightenment and its impact on Leadership When I run workshops for companies, I can not talk about the spiritual. Some would not understand. And so there is a big gap between ´´spirituality and belief systems´´ and ´´leadership and business´´. But both are undisputedly related. However, in business today, they are usually separated. A…

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Building a Foundation of Inner Peace

Building a Foundation of Inner Peace   What do you prefer as a leader, to be happy or to be at peace? Most people pursue happiness but not peace. Because the perceived feeling of happiness is higher than peace. Amongst happiness, we include a promotion, spending time with loved ones, going on a nice holiday,…

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presence of Greatness
You are always in the presence of Greatness

 You are always in the presence of Greatness Greatness is to witness something that encompasses all. Perfection in its purest form. A person performing a certain act, the beauty of nature or an artistic expression. Thibaut Courtois goalkeeping in the final of the Champions League 2022 was greatness. The moment we land on Mars will…

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Real Heroes always have a villain

Real Heroes always have a villain I saw the movie ´´Elvis´´ yesterday. I didn´t know much about him. My image was a handsome, successful singer who made a huge contribution and changed the music industry. Women adored him, a genius musician, a great dancer, rich and seemed to have it all. But after watching the…

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All leaders
All leaders are searching

All leaders are searching   All leaders are searching, some consciously, some unconsciously. It’s a primaeval instinct, part of a leader’s DNA. Searching for real-world solutions. Searching for soul solutions 90% search for real-world solutions, such as how to innovate, how to connect with and dominate a new target market and how to increase revenue.…

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Building a life with the right foundations

Building a life with the right foundations Wars, social unrest, a great depression, a pandemic… we all get through it. Life goes on. So what is life exactly? If all the external situations we have encountered throughout history end, shouldn’t we know or become aware of why life continues? Why do we not try to…

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Protecting yourself in a difficult world

Protecting yourself in a difficult world   Imagine being Elon Musk as a young kid, saying you want to put people on Mars! He probably got laughed at and ridiculed.  The world is not always ready to listen to your discoveries because the world may not be prepared to listen. So many kids’ dreams are…

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