
All leaders

All leaders are searching


All leaders are searching, some consciously, some unconsciously. It’s a primaeval instinct, part of a leader’s DNA.

Searching for real-world solutions.

Searching for soul solutions

90% search for real-world solutions, such as how to innovate, how to connect with and dominate a new target market and how to increase revenue.

10% also actively search for intangible solutions, such as ‘what is my leadership purpose?’ and ‘how can I implement it in my life and career and express it through my leadership?’ or ‘What is my true path in life?’

If there is an imbalance between the real-world solutions and soul solutions, a Gap is created.  

Real success in life and leadership is the ability to bridge both your inner and outer worlds. Aligning your purpose with your work. Make decisions according to your values in the midst of difficult decisions in your career.

Truly successful leaders have the courage to go with the heart solutions first and build their real world solutions around it. It doesn’t make the journey easier, but it does make it more fulfilling and meaningful! 

Add a little bit more soul search in your work, it’ll open the gate towards authentic happiness.

Raf Adams

The Suited Monk provides guidance on how to live a good life. This this 2-minute questionnaire will help you discover where you are on your life journey. Take your free check-up here now.

#philosophy #balance #innerwisdom


”I am a life mentor and philosopher and write thought pieces and provide perspective on life and leadership to help people to increase the quality of their decision making. By doing so, achieve mental, emotional and spiritual balance be more effective and make a positive difference for themselves, their teams, company and society. If you want to fastrack your results right now, click here to get the Suited Monk book or provide it as a gift for a friend or colleague. Yes I want

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